Monday, July 18, 2011

How is this piece from my novel?

I think this story has a lot of potential! I really like the idea and I hope you continue with it. late in the story, try to throw in some stuff that has never happened in a story like this though and i think it will be great!

What is the U-Factor of a 1/2" Single Pane Window with Clear Tint? (North East Region)?

I have scoured the internet all I can and the deadline approach-th. Quick ten points for someone who can link me a chart with this specific information. For alas, I hath been failed by the Almighty Google.

I tried marijuanna? I'm 14 please help?

I was feeling down so I went to the cabinet where my dad keeps this tube of water thingy with marijuanna on the side and on the top there is something where you put your mouth in and inhale it. My dad usually light up the side but I didn't, I just inhaled a little about two times. I checked in the mirror and my pupils slowly rise and fall. Is this normal? I don't seem buzzed or anything. I don't know why I even did it in the first place. Iv'e just seen my parent doing it a lot of times that I wanted to see whats their fascination twords it.

How do i get my radiator fans working?

You have to be absolutely sure you have no air pockets in your cooling system. The fans are commanded to turn on when the computer senses a certain engine temperature via a temperature switch in the cooling system. Usually in the radiator, engine block or cylinder head. Steam will not activate these switches, only hot coolant. You can get a toyota repair manual reasonably priced at most any parts store. It is really worth the investment. If you do decide to change your thermostat you would be wise to pay the money and install a factory toyota replacement part.

I need help getting over a plateau!?

so i started a losing weight the "healthy" way about 5 months ago and i was 140lbs. now i am at 123lbs and have tried every diet out there. my plateau used to be at 130 and i managed to get over it when i was going on a 1200 calorie diet. however, i do not go that low anymore as my metabolism slowed greatly. i have tried the gm diet, the skinny bit** diet, being anorexic, and am now on a zig zag diet where one day i will eat 1600 calories and the next two i will only eat 1200. it doesnt matter how much or how little i eat, i am always the same when the next week rolls around! i am currently lifting weights and playing volleyball twice a week and the other three days i walk about a mile. i am already quite muscular so i do not think i want anymore as i am trying to become a model. i eat healthy and whenever i have a treat i have a small bowl of frosted flakes because they are my favorite :) i only need to lose 5lbs and im in..but i really need help! i am completely against any eating disorders and still want to look healthy once i am finished. btw..i am 16 and 5'7

Is there anyone out there who can write in the Basque language?

I need to know how to write "Follow me, I'll Follow You. I have scoured the internet and not found any site that can translate it.

Is it still considered doing drugs if you just inhale the smoke and smell?

My brother and his friends smoke marijuana and i can always smell it in the house. Is this bad for me?

Help with this poem...?

Sounds like it's going back and forth from, like you said, hockey and war. Passing the puck, shooting at the enemy. Not sure but like on top of the ice the hockey game and below the ice the war so under the ice airplanes, on top of the ice hockey sticks. That's how I see it anyway.

Is it bad to eat every hour to lose weight?

i wake up at around 11 have a 300 calorie breakfast and then from there on out i snack on something every hour until 8 o'clock...but i make sure i keep my intake at this a bad way to go about it?

Can inhaling petrol fumes make you angry, or it easier to loose your temper?!?

I've been driving a car for the last couple of days that has a really strong smell of petrol/fumes. It is an unleaded car and the only way I've managed to deal with it is by opening most of the windows - most of the time, although during periods this is not possible. Last night I felt quite nauseous and a little sick with a thick headache. At the end of today I feel similar only in an incredibly bad mood and bad temper for no apparent reason. Before i totaly lost my temper in almost a fit of rage which now seems totally bizarre and uncalled for. I spoke to someone today that told me something about this being related to inhaling petrol fumes before it happend this evening! Does anyone know if there's any sense or truth to this?

DO I HAVE PCOS?? :[ (15Y.O.)?

You have to tell us when you had your first period. If you had it when you turned 15 or even 14, it is fine, periods tend to be irregular for the first year of so. If it has been 2-3 years without normal periods, then yes you do have PCOS, but the blood test would have to confirm this. You would have irregular hormones, higher level of testosterone, possibly: facial hair, be overweight, or have ovarian cysts (not all these symptoms at once, necessarily). They will give you birth control pills, or if you are against birth control pills, he will give you Metformin, which is a pill for diabetics, but works for PCOS as well, because it also regulates hormones like the birth control pill does. Choose carefully.

Where can I get an ip scrambler?

Now please don't answer if you don't know what your talking about because the reason I never use Yahoo Answers is because nobody knows what the hell they're talking about. Now I have scoured the interwebz for an IP scrambler that constantly changes my IP but couldn't find one. Does anybody have any VALID links to a legit ip scrambler that works and isn't a virus? If so please post them. Don't post crap that you haven't used. Thanks

Help! why am i wheezing?

i have cough with phlegm. its been 2weeks. maybe like 3 days ago, whenever i inhale deep i hear myself wheezing but im not having any difficulty breathing. and oh, i took antibiotics, erythromycin for a week but it didnt help. im kinda bothered. what is this?

Did I damage myself from smoking for 45 minutes?

I smoked 2 years ago about half a pack and they were really strong. Today, I smoked a cigar and cigarette in 45 minutes. I tried not to inhale and just held it in my mouth and blew out. I'm still in the process of recovering (my lung capacity is coming back and my nose and stuff). Now, I'm afraid I juts reversed the healing process and I'm really scared. I want my regular lung capacity and breathing to come back. Did I just cause serious damage to my lungs and nose and stuff? Is there anything I can do to accelerate the healing process? I am only 17 by the way. I am relaly scared right now. I know I did something stupid but I won't do it again. asdlkjfhajkldfshjkadhjkslfaklsjdfasdfasd…

Which antibiotic is best to treat human respiratory infections like bronchitis ?

I am sick with something similiar, well is bronchitis, I became unwell 3 weeks ago, was first put on augmentin 500mg X 2 daily but after a week no improvement so was put on Klacid 500mg X 2 daily plus steriods, 60 5mg tablets to be taken in 10 days! So I was on 8 a day for 3 days then 6 a day for 3 days and so on! I've 4 days left to go bit still am very sick!

Should I be worried about a heart attack or stroke?

Well around 6 this morning i woke up and had really sharp pain under my left breast in the top of the rib. It hurt when I inhaled or moved, so i went to the ER. They said it sounded like it possibly could be a blood clot which can lead to heart attack, so they gave me an EKG and that was normal. Then they wanted to draw blood to check and see if it's a blood clot or not but i freaked out and refused to let them, not because im afraid of needles but because I'm afraid of bad news. I'm also 21, and ate mac and cheese and 2 twix icecream bars before i went to bad, so maybe it was just gas? the pain i was having went away when i was in the hospital but now im freaking out thinking "what if i DID have a blood clot...should i be worrying???

Anyone know where I can find a new 2010 Kawasaki 250R special edition fairing decal?

I've been scouring the trying to find a replacement decal for my left side fairing on my bike. It's been scraped up and I'd really like to have it replaced. So, if anyone could tell me where I can buy a replacement decal only without having to shell out the cash for an entire new fairing, I would really appreciate it.

Im A Cashier who Works 7-8 hour shifts 5 out of 7 days.. Am I burning Calories?

Dumb Question... But am I burning Calories at work, and if I am about how many calories do you estimate I am burning? All I do is ring people up and bag groceries!!

Loosing weight. limiting.?

If I limit my calories to 1500 a day am I gurenteed to loose weight? Btw I'm a teenage girl if thhat has anything to do with calorie intake.

Interpretation from creepy dream?

When you fly in a dream, it's your spirit flying. In a strange place means you are going somewhere unfamiliar in your psyche. Being locked up in a small place with a crowd indicates distress in waking life of feeling like your style is cramped. The diseased white dog is a pure part of your instinctual nature wanting expression. You played dead and in your escape on the roof (when you climb upwards for escape it indicated a different desire for expression) A walled garden - your feminine self is walled off so it can't grow and express itself so that's why it's a desert and she has blind white eyes and is rocking like an autistic person. Now, your on the floor and you are going down into the depths of the Psyche and you see Materialism everywhere covered in blood. This is actually a good representation of what is happening to most people. They are bled dry to make it materially speaking. You are looking for another vehicle to travel and it is more normal way of transport and you awoke. Start writing these things down so you learn your own dream language.

Is there a fix for the witchcraft maries diary for fable 3? 360.?

Lots of times your counters can be reset after playing with a friend on XBL. I had opened 6 demon doors, played with a friend for a while and when I went back to open the last demon door it said 1/7. I was sooo pissed, but I have noticed my tickers resetting every once in a while when playing XBL with other kids.

How much weight can i lose in two months?

Hello there i weight 190 lbs and measure 5'8. Im 16 years old and I have been working out for a week this is what i do. In the mornings i workout for 30 minutes doing squats, pushups, and situps. At night i go to the gym for an hour and run 2 miles with an incline of 1.0 i do the elliptical machine and the bycicle. Then on the weekends at the gym i run 1 mile and lift some medium weights. My calorie intake i try to mantain at a max of 2000 a day. How much weight will i lose in 2months? Please and thank you

Can I use a glass pipe if the inside colors are broken?

The pipe isn't broken all the way through, but there's a crack on the inside that runs straight across 4 of the lines. It probably cracked yesterday when I was cleaning it out. First I soaked it in rubbing alcohol, then I washed it out with hot water. Not boiling, but it was as hot as the sink would go and I washed it pretty well by sucking water into it. So anyways, I was wondering if it could be worse for my lungs and if the crack could possibly make glass dust or something else bad that I wouldn't want to inhale.

Should I be worried about having a blood clot?

Well when I woke up at about 6 this morning I had a really painful sharp pain under my left breast like in the top of my ribs. It hurt when I moved and inhaled. I went to the hospital and they said it sounded like a possible blood clot so they did an EKG on me and it was normal. Then they wanted to draw blood to check for a blood clot but I refused cause im terrified of bad news. I have also been extremely and oddly gassy today, and since the pain went away while I was in the hospital I assumed it was caused by gas. My question is, if I did have a blood clot would I be feeling the affects? My friend thats a CNA said that if I did have a blood clot my blood pressure would be high and I'd be feeling ill. But besides the constant gas, I feel fine. Should I be worried?

Can u smoke sisha while pregnant?

ok this isnt a question but i have no idea how to work this stupid thing but ive noticed people saying how bad it is to smoke shisha while pregnant and all you whove siad yes are you dumb!???? yu DONT inhale the smoke yu keep it in yur mouth and blow out lol learn ur facts before you answer.

Exercise causing depression, how to find the right balance?

Whenever I work out I get depressed. I try to compensate by eating a little more since there seems to be a direct correlation to calorie consumption and depression, but it's really hard. I abstain from any drug use such as coffee or alcohol.

If salt has no calories, why is it so bad for me?

salt causes your body to store additional water resulting in an increase in blood pressure. ie High Blood Pressure & Hypertension

Computer cookies interfering with sites?

Not sure if its cookies that are the problem, but whenever I click on a link through google it brings me to this INCREDIBLY annoying site and now I have to copy and paste every single link. Any ideas? I tried adding it to resticted sites list, didnt work. I have google chrome.

How to not gain weight after starving yourself?

The only way is to make sure your caloric expenditure matches your intake. Return to your normal eating habits, continue with your current workout regime, and keep an eye on your weight. If you start gaining, then you need to adjust either your intake or your expenditure. Eventually you will find the proper balance.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Should I eat something?

I'm dieting, and today I ate around 750 calories. After school I went cycling and approximately burnt 430-450 calories. I'm fairly hungry, but I want to lose weight as quick as possible. Should I have something to eat?

Can I sue my sons school?

I called the school and left a message for my sons teacher that when he got off the bus he was to walk straight home because his little sister was sick and I can see the bus stop from my kitchen window. My son is in 1st grade. Between the time I hung up and the teacher had got the message, the message had gotten mixed up. The teacher was told to keep my son off the bus and make him walk home. between my house and the school is a busy highway with no crosswalks or crossing guards. My son was nearly hit twice. Not to mention that for 30 minutes I was scouring the neighborhood looking for my son. He came home in tears because he was so afraid and proceeded to tell me he almost got lost and that he was almost hit by a car. When I asked him why he walked home he told me his teacher told him he didn't have a choice and there was no time to call home to ask his mom if it was ok. All of this was confirmed by the school when I called them demanding answers. If one driver on the highway wasn't paying attention or my son wasn't, I wouldn't have my son at this moment. I pay the schools to keep my 7 year old safe, not to send him walking miles across a busy highway.

Have I eaten healthy today?

Wait are you a guy/girl? Your breakfast/brunch sounds pretty healthy. Your dinner options sound healthy as well. Definitely not too much.

Sociopathic foster child?

She needs to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist regularly, they may refer her to be institutionalized. If she is a danger to the family action needs to be taken.

Am I not eating enough to lose weight?

You should be eating five or four small meals a day. Bump your cardio up to forty minutes and add some after cardio work outs. When you stop losing that meals your body as gotten used to your routine and you need to bump up the intensity in order to receive more weight loss.

Can anyone give me advice on this diet?

The diet that you are on now is absolutely fine, nothing wrong with it. But also increase your fluid intake and also increase ur carbohydrate intake. Dont worry about cholesterol level because u exercise 6 times a week so that should not be a problem.

How do you count your calories ?

When you eat something, look on the nutrition label on the box. It says how much a serving is, and how many calories are in that serving. As for things without labels, it's easy to just google "how many calories are in a _____".

System restore will not work?

i want to restore my comp to an earlyer time, was always able to do it now i think i got a virus that will only let me go back one hour ago so i cant get rid of it!, every time i try to search for something a weird search engine pops up tried everything can not get rid of them and so on, what do i do windows xp emachine

Why haven't I had my period?

I'm 19, 5'3, and weigh between 93-97 lbs... haven't checked lately. I eat 1300 calories a day, and only exercise for 30-45 min. 5 days a week (cardio). Anyway, I have a small frame. I've always been thin. So, I don't understand why I haven't had my period in 2 mos (going on 3)?! I have low iron in my blood... could that be the reason? Because I am not that underweight!

Question about dry drowning?

ok im freaked out, i watched something about dry drowning the other day and the night before last around 10 pm i was swimming and inhaled water through my nose and mouth. im worried about it and the more i thought about it the more i freaked/freaking out about because now after reading the symptoms i feel like im having them. this is ironic because i am a lifeguard. but i am freaking out about this. could this cause me to have anxiety? any help is appreciated.

Travel help! Going on Holiday?

Probably the price includes the taxes. To be 100 % sure, you can contact this website via email and ask them about their policy. There are also several other sites where you can get the best deals. I will recommend you for example,, I have used all of them and I am very pleased with the service and the prices they offer me. If you want you can check them. And last but not least thomascook is also among the best websites so you can feel free to use it. There is no need to worry about because they are among the leaders in the field of tourism in the world!

Automatic car 'lurches forward' on hills?

Apply the handbrake until you get a better feel for driving this vehicle but also check the transmission fluid level as well.

Which Republican Presidental Candidate have Smoked Marijuana Before?

Clinton has tried pot did not inhale (lol), Bush and Obama have stated that in their youth, they smoked pot a lot (and Cocaine too) and so I am curious, it's not far out to think that some of the Republican candidates have tried (or still smoke) pot. My question is, which one have smoked pot before?


She sat there silently looking amongst the others in their large white suits that draping down to their ankles disguising their true figure and identity. Their hands wore long white gloves that protected them from anything they may have touched. Their faces concealed only revealing their eyes from behind the large silver protective mask that allowed them to breathe. Their masks were connected to large silver tanks of oxygen that where on the backs of everyone on the bus, without it they wouldn’t be alive. She closed her eyes and reminisced of the days where she lay on the grass and inhaled the rich scent around her, alluring and almost overwhelming. The warm light of the sun touching her face and warming her all over, the grass tickle her bare feet like a feather. She would see bushes of wildflowers sitting at the feet of healthy green trees while fluttering insects darted between the colorful flowers. The bus came to a halt interrupting the thoughts she had been lost in, shaking her like a leaf. She dared herself to open her eyes and let the memory fade, she sighed pulled herself up and stepped outside. Looking into the sky a million shades of red mixed into a toxic potion, blood red, metallic and bold. The sky was painfully dark; like the sun had closed its eyes. Even with the mask on the smell of burnt plastic still lingered in the air and it made her feel nauseous. On this particular day rain was pouring down from thick clouds with a violent howling wind that blew hard against her and she staggered to keep her balance. Her suit was now blood soaked, instead of clear rain drops; sore red ones soaked it, as if the sky was bleeding.

Can anybody recommend a quality scope $150 or less?

Preferably with finger adjustable turrets and an illuminated reticle, but it's not essential. I'm scouring the internet myself, I'm just wondering if anybody has any good recommendations.

Original song? (20 CHARACTERS)?

Did you write that?? If you did it's brilliant I really like it i think it sounds really good I didn't read the start of the question first and I thought you were looking for the name of the song and I thought the song was famous it was that good !!! Well done keep up the great work ;)

Should I be worried about a heart attack or stroke?

Well around 6 this morning i woke up and had really sharp pain under my left breast in the top of the rib. It hurt when I inhaled or moved, so i went to the ER. They said it sounded like it possibly could be a blood clot which can lead to heart attack, so they gave me an EKG and that was normal. Then they wanted to draw blood to check and see if it's a blood clot or not but i freaked out and refused to let them, not because im afraid of needles but because I'm afraid of bad news. I'm also 21, and ate mac and cheese and 2 twix icecream bars before i went to bad, so maybe it was just gas? the pain i was having went away when i was in the hospital but now im freaking out thinking "what if i DID have a blood clot...should i be worrying???

Why do we sometimes use past-tense words when talking about the future?

For example: "Would you mind if i WENT home early?" or "Is it ok if we DIDN'T go to the movies tonight?". This point came up in my English class and its a difficult one to explain. I've been scouring the net but most sites just explain the grammar point and not WHY we use past tense in situations like these. Your help is so appreciated, thank you!

I am a current Navy Corpsman reservist that is transfering to the USAFR. Am I allowed to wear my FMF pin?

I have been a Corpsman for 8 years and have earned my FMF pin. I am transfering to the Air Force as an Aeromedical Tech. I have scoured the AF regs and seen some info on wearing other service ribbons and medals but have seen nothing to do with Warfare Qualifiers. Even if I am allowed to wear it in uniform, does the AF print a subdued blue FMF patch to wear in the AF camo uniform?

Why does my dad breathe so hard when he goes into the bathroom?

I only hear him exhale every couple seconds. I dont hear any inhaling. And it sounds like hes doing it with his cheeks full of air while he exhales. Its starting to creep me out.

Do have a good diet plan ?

I take whey protein shakes 2 times a day after each workout I blend it and put half a banana in it. I do this 2 times a day and in between I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich. I read each label on all the foods and rounded the calories to about 600 calories plus I might have a very small dinner so that adds up too about 700 this good or should I add something to my diet??

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'm losing inches and not pounds? please help!?

I am 14, 114 pounds and I want to lose weight this summer before highschool. I am eating a good diet and doing 35 minutes of exercise on the elliptical and 15 minutes of walking (not that fast) I am probably eating about 1500 calories a day, and have been doing so for a month. I have only lost one pound but have also lost 2 inches, I was originally 4'8 but I am now 4'6. This is very bad, I cannot afford to be any shorter, I really want to look good for highschool, I'm tired of being so short and stalky, please help, what do I do?

Trying to lose 10lbs in a month?

I'm transferring to a new college and I want to feel good about my weight when I get there, I don't have that much time so i'd like to lose 10lbs in a month. for my size I should be eating 1200 calories a day to lose weight. What Im not sure of is how much exerciser I would need. How many minutes of cardio should I get a day. and besides cardio, what other exercises are good for weight loss.

Is this the only coastal town?

That's a shame dude. Try Scarboro or Hull - a good camping shop or order from the internettin. Or if you get an i-phone they have a compass built in :) hooray. Then you can proudly march all around the British Isles familiarizing yourself with which bits are still in the UK ;) Just teasin dude. Good luck wit ya compas man

What is the value of this antique trombone?

I recently came across an antique trombone. It is marked "USMC" and the manufacturer is listed as "C.G. Conn Co, Elkhart, Indiana." I have scoured google and can't find any results for this trombone with the USMC marking which seems to be the unique part of this item. I know the vintage Conn trombones are quite valuable, but am having a hard time coming up with additional information on this one. Any help on further info about this trombone and its potential value would be appreciated. Thanks.

Will an indoor bug bomb kill mice too?

We have to bug bomb the house...will the fumes kill any mice that may be lurking around too since it is dangerous/hazardous/deadly to inhale the poison?

Insanity workout nutrition question?

I'm 19 years old, 5 foot 8 inches tall and weigh 65 kg (143 pounds). I just wanted to know, it's hard to do the 5 meal diet and the nutrition plan meals because I'm a student and my mum makes lunch and dinner. I was wondering, can I have 3 meals a day, which snacks in between (fruits etc) as long as it adds up to the calories that is required?

What's the biggest outrage in the Sarah Palin emails found so far?

The biggest outrage is that the newspapers are printing them unredacted, exposing all of the e-mail address and people IN THEM to national scrutiny.

Tasty things to eat for snacks during the day when your on a diet..?

How many calories should i be eating a day to loose weight? and how much aerobic exercise should i be doing?

Worrying about second hand smoke and drug test?

You will most likely pass. I do not think that a quick second hand inhale of pot would show up in a drug test.

Every time i eat i feel like i should go run or work out?

Okay basically i want to know if this is the beginning of a mental health issue. Like every time i take a bite of food i calculate in my head the amount of calories i am adding to my body and i instantly start thinking i need to go run or i need to work out. I do suffer from OCD. could this be me obsessing or fixating on working out and my body? or is it a completely different mental disorder or should i not even worry about it?

What are some good 2006 ~ 2010 anime movies that I can watch?

I'm not sure if this is in the time frame that you want, but the movie "Spirited Away" is pretty good. (it sounds stupid, but seriously, it's worth seeing if you haven't already.)

Did I get ripped off? Why didn't I get high?

Not sure about your schizo-affective but I'm leaning towards it will get worse because weed makes people paranoid. But with you not getting high. It took me like 6 times to get high so just be patient. Also, sounds like a little amount. But weed goes for different prices depending on how good it is.

Why can't I get high!?

Okay so I heard from almost all my friends that you can't get high the first time you smoke weed, so me and my friend smoked for the fist time and they were right nothing happend to either of us even though we took like 6 or 7 hits each. But then her and I smoked again for the second time yesterday and and we both took like 3 hits, she got high and I didn't? I don't understand and it's not fair. I know that I AM inhaling and everything right, so I don't get why i can't get high?

My dog is sick again!!!?

YA is the wrong place to ask this question. She could be having an allergic reaction to the adult food you switched her to, or she could have gotten into something in the need to get her to the vet because only they can find out what is wrong. If you wait too long, you dog may not survive.

Losing weight problem?

i'm 5ft 1 and 108 pounds, and im 14. i not fat, but i have big thighs and flabby upper arms. i need roughly 1400 calories a day to maintain my weight when i don't exercise. So heres the problem. I want to get thinner, but i don't know how much to lose. I have a plan to eat 1000-1400 cals a day and exercise every day and i have 6 weeks till schools back on. So what would you's say i do? not worry about weight, but exercise and tone up to the size i'd be happy with or lose a certain amount of weight, like 8 pounds and then begin toning and maintaining afterwards?

Does marijuana cause withdrawal symptoms?

there are withdrawal symptoms from cigarettes... that's prob what u are experiencing. i've never had any with marijuana. i quit that like 7 weeks ago after smoking for like a year and a half.

I wish I was anorexic?

Hello. I'm fourteen, 5'6, and I weight about 120. I know that sounds like a healthy weight according to the BMI chart but I am disgusted with myself. I have small arms but my stomach looks like pumpkin, no lie.. I have to wear my pants above my waist so my love handles won't show. I also am ashamed of my thighs, I have no gap between my legs and they jiggle. I am VERY healthy. I do not eat junk food, nor do I drink soda, and I don't eat a lot. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables annd drink water. I exercise, too. I jog/walk everyday on the treadmill and lose 310 calories (so my treadmill says) then I do a couple of toning exercises like lunges and reverse crunches.. I've been worrying about my appearance ever since last year and I've exercised and everything but have no results. My goal weight is 100... honestly my insecurities are ruining my life. I do not go out much because I am ashamed of my body, and I am always depressed. My parents have thought about taking me to see a therapist for my depression. How can I lose the weight? I wish I was anorexic.

Help me get back to New York City?

u can go back not to live in bronx some place is dangerous it better go to queen area the rent the room around 500 to 600 depend the location the best in mid Manhattan area the best the rent in queen area the waiters depend the restaurant fast food to 5 star restaurant

My tenant tried to commit suicide in my house and could have burned it down. What should I do?

At the risk of sounding heartless, I would not lease to this woman due to her mental and physical issues. Why? Could this person attempt this again? Sure or possibly burn ALL the property down with you in it. It is a matter of safety and economics. She should be in a hospital receiving the mental health care she so desparately needs. Talk to her uncle, after all, he is responsible for bringing her into your life in the first place. In a way she is lucky, there are property owners out there that may have sued for damages. Good luck.

Where can I find the ATI HD 3650 graphics card on AMD downloads?

I have the card but it is not working. I scoured the support section and could not find it? What family is it? Is it a chipset or motherboard or desktop graphics?

Advice on my mill deck, magic the gathering?

Infect would kill your opponent before the mill would even begin. If you want to mill, you need to focus on that.

Please help with my weight loss question?

it depends my sister is 175 and im a guy we r both teens in high school and i am 6'2 and i weigh 210 she is 5'7 my sister has big bones do u have big wrists bones any kind of big bones

Could I be lactose intolerant?

I recently started drinking rice milk instead of cow milk, and I lost 10 pounds. I changed all the dairy products in my diet out with non-dairy ones. I haven't cut calories, exercised more, or done anything else differently. My stomach has gone down a lot, and I feel better. I'm not overweight, so losing 10 pounds is noticible with me. Could I have been bloated from the dairy?

How much weight will I lose on this plan?

i very well know you dont want to hear this but you really arent that overweight. 1,000 calories a day isnt really enough for a growing kid thats doing all that exercise if you stick to a healthy diet and eat when your hungry your gonna loose weight the healthy way

I was bored and I came up with a book plot. Tell me what you think?

That was good. I would honestly love to read that. If you ever publish this book, or just want someone to read it! I'm here.

Right side of chest hurts when i inhale/ yawn?

i just spent most of my night vomiting, so i pretty much can guess it's from that. I'm just wondering what do any of you think it actually is? assuming that it IS from the vomiting, what do you think is hurting? how long it will last, etc. ?

What is this story about? x?

The magnificent tree of life that pierces through soft, smooth, supple skin. Each piercing, a derivative of its own and each tear, an echo of its own that streams though the widest of paths to a permanent scar. Eliza Cumming inhaled and recited calmly to herself, "the magnificent tree of life piercing through soft, smooth, supple skin but each piercing with two derivatives, and each tear, two echoes of its own". The wind from afghanistan blew his scent of raspberry to her nostrils and brought a pricklish feel to. her skin and for the first time in three months, she had a smile on her face

Afraid that I may have Borderline Personality?

Okay so I have had issues off and on with anxiety for years and was always a nervous child.It didn't really affect my childhood friendships or schoolwork. I guess you could say that my parents were verbally abusive over a few year period. I was never molested or repeatedly beaten. I have NO history of self harm, impulse behaviors like drug use and drinking(I only smoked pot for a couple of years in my teens) Lost my virginity at a rather young age (14) but didn't have sex again really for several years. I have never really had many promiscuous behaviors and although I sometimes got really upset with my parents and felt victimized, I was never "empty" so to speak or "numb". I excelled at music (playing guitar and vocals) and so I was always consumed by things of the sort and didn't really stay down for long periods of time. I did have a bad temper. But only when pushed. I have broken stuff out of frustration of being called a name or when something of mine was broken but never to just do it. The only real guilt that I have carried is that I did sort of had a thing with a man that was a lot older than I. It lasted from about 16 to almost 18 and I stopped wanting anything to do with him. Being as I was young and naive I didn't really take to consideration that this person had been diagnosed with Bi Polar disorder years prior to meeting me. I had no understanding of the disorder as I wasn't into studying things like that then. That person took his own life after this and that shocked the hell out of me. I don't feel guilt for it though as he had made attempts prior to knowing me during times when he was with other women. I am 26 now and have been married for 3 years and I have had a nasty temper and this is why I am here typing this today. Out of fear that I might have/or have had BPD. I don't have a lot of the symptoms as I stated otherwise (self-harm,drugs,sex,repeated bouts of depression,numbness) But I have exhibited the volatile temper, aggression,hitting, yelling, thing. I have devalued him and then taken it back later.Making him do stupid things ,being vengeful and having to have control etc. I feel like such an a__hole for this now. I was never so much afraid of being alone though as much as a fear of "not wanting to be dooped". It all started with a nagging mistrust of his intentions. He was sort of the type to check out girls. He had done drugs which made me apprehensive. But that's no excuse for me to behave like a crazy *****. I have been scouring these boards for days now in a constant state of worry. Because I have the rage factor and the slight fear of abandonment(although not exactly crippling). I was actually rather content before looking for labels. Even the worst of mood swings. I didn't want to die nor was I depressed or empty. Is it possible to have 3 of the symptoms without being borderline? The uncontrolled temper, inappropriate anger etc? I don't really have a distorted perception of self. I don't think that I need to be perfect to please others. I don't feel a constant numbness and meloncholy. At the worst of my mood swings I was overweight and this made me feel "not as good about myself". But I didn't want to hurt myself because of it. Any advice?

My puppy isn't eating as much?

When I first got my puppy he practicly inhaled his meals and couldn't get enough. Now he will eat a little bit, but won't finish. Is it just because it's hot inside? Or is it because he's not feeling well, or is being picky and waiting for something better or to eat at a different time?

Question for smokers!!!!!!!!!!?

it will go away and you will chase that high for the rest of the time you smoke. stop now and you wont get addicted and chase that high

Where can I get a complete listing of rules & statues for the Illinois Department of Corrections?

I specifically would like to know where to get the rules and statues for incoming mail for an inmate. What is exactly considered contraband in mail? Or the rules of suggestive photos? Every time I send mail, it seems it is upon the discretion of the person working in the mail room that day. I have had mail sent back because it only had one letter typed on the sheet of paper, since blank paper is prohibited, but when I re-sent it it was approved?!?! I sent suggestive pictures to my fiance, if one woman is working in the mail room she considers them contraband, if someone else is working they let them go through. I just want in writing the rules/statues of contraband of mail to print and send to my fiance because when he complained they said to show the rules to them in writing. I spent an hour scouring the internet looking for them to no avail - please help!

Have a gym photoshoot in a little over a week, any last tips on how to look really cut?

Hey guys, I'm starting to fitness model this summer and I have a photo shoot on the 9th at a gym. My training and dieting has been unlike anything I've done in the past. I've been weight lifting 6-7 times a week, I train my core 3-2 times a week, do Yoga and Pilates at least once a week, and I do cardio 1-3 times a week for at least 20 minutes. For my diet I've been following the Paleo diet (which has been awesome, I highly recommend it especially for bodybuilders looking get lean), I recently have only been cheating enough where it only makes up about 5% worth of a weeks total caloric intake, I count all of my calories, weigh my food, And i haven't been going out to eat. Even after all of that though I still don't have the definition I want, particularly with my abs. Any suggestions with what I could in my training or dieting with how much time I have left?? Any suggestions would be great and really appreciated thanks!!

Ghana and Nigeria Dress Designs?

I went to Ghana last year with my husband (he is from Ghana), and I had some beautiful dresses made. He's going back again this summer and I wanted to have more dresses made but I can't go. Does anyone know a website where I can look at the designs for dresses, the tops and skirts you can mix and match? In the different seamstress shops in Ghana, there were posters on the wall with the different styles but I have scoured the internet for similar design examples and I can't seem to find any, even on google images. The closest I have found is Ankara designs and some couture gowns. What I'm looking for are the gowns that women wear to parties and church. Anyone have any ideas where I can find some good pictures on the internet of these types of designs? Thanks in advance.

Does taking a cold bath really help burn calories?

I heard on a thinspo blog that taking a cold bath that's cold enough to lower your body a few degrees burns 200 calories for every degree your body has to raise to get back to normal temperature. True?

Admin locked out. Password will not work. Help?

The other day I tried to log in to my computer, but it told me I'm locked out. The problem is that I can't access the other admin account because I don't have the password. I know the lock out occurred due to someone attempting to log on, and failing to enter the right password. I can't access anything from the log on page. I also tried CTRL+ALT+DEL twice really fast, but nothing happens. I tried scouring the net, but all I can find are posts on how to recover lost passwords, not fix lock outs. I have XP pro, and I can provide further information if necessary. Assistance would be appreciated. Thank you

Please answer: Will I be okay?

I had the GENIUS (I'm being sarcastic) idea of staying upside down while eating a tic-tac candy. Then, I choked, and my brother had to hit my back so hard it's going to turn purple, probably, but I actually inhaled the tic tac, because I didn't swallow it and it wasn't in my mouth afterwards. What do I do? Will I be okay?

Could someone answer this qustion fast??!!!?

my right side like by my ribs... well it hurts when i inhale. its been going on for 45 mins. i drank water and it wont go away. whats going on? :( and it hurts a little worse when i exhale

Friday, July 15, 2011

How many calories are in a veggie quesadilla from Yours Truly Restaurant?

I have been looking at nutrition facts for Your Truly and can't find any information on their veggie quesadilla. I know it is on the menu, I just can't find the calories or any real information on it. Can anyone tell me an accurate number?

Help with my novel? Murder scene?

Honestly...I think the dialogue might be a bit too much. Keep it in the guys imagination...that way you can build up the suspense more. And when he says "The poor girl"...well it gets confused, as if he has some sympathy for her. The actual murder part is very good and detailed. I think you could bring the reader in more by writing a bit about what he is thinking...images in his head, memories, fury...

How many calories should I Have a day to lose 6 pounds?

Eat 1200 to 1400 kcals and make sure you don't binge or you'll lose nothing. 6 pounds will take about 3 weeks but maybe less.

Sharp shooting pain under my bottom right ribs...?

i've gotten this a few times now. it seems to happen when i get really stressed. sometimes it last for only a few hours other times it's lasted for days. when i inhale i get a really sharp pain under my bottom right ribs and the deeper breath i take the farther up my side the pain shoots. it seems to be a little more bearable when i stretch out breathing. What could this be? should i got to a doctor??? any remedies?

How to death metal growl?

you know, like the metal bands when they 'growl'. Not an inhale- exhale. Also advice on pig squealing would be helpful! I am also a female- so would that mean it would be more difficult for me since my voice is naturally higher pitched? Thank you (:

Should I be worried about having a blood clot?

Well when I woke up at about 6 this morning I had a really painful sharp pain under my left breast like in the top of my ribs. It hurt when I moved and inhaled. I went to the hospital and they said it sounded like a possible blood clot so they did an EKG on me and it was normal. Then they wanted to draw blood to check for a blood clot but I refused cause im terrified of bad news. I have also been extremely and oddly gassy today, and since the pain went away while I was in the hospital I assumed it was caused by gas. My question is, if I did have a blood clot would I be feeling the affects? My friend thats a CNA said that if I did have a blood clot my blood pressure would be high and I'd be feeling ill. But besides the constant gas, I feel fine. Should I be worried?

What are the best websites for finding house rentals?

I've been scouring craigslist, but I'm pretty sure there's more of them out there... help me find them?

What do you think this story is about..I don't get it?

The magnificent tree of life that pierces through soft, smooth, supple skin. Each piercing, a derivative of its own and each tear, an echo of its own that streams though the widest of paths to a permanent scar. Eliza Cumming inhaled and recited calmly to herself, "the magnificent tree of life piercing through soft, smooth, supple skin but each piercing with two derivatives, and each tear, two echoes of its own". The wind from afghanistan blew his scent of raspberry to her nostrils and brought a pricklish feel to. her skin and for the first time in three months, she had a smile on her face

Which gases exchange in the lungs?

When you inhale and oxygen is picked up by the bloodstream in the alveoli, do the other gases which make up the air we breath also get absorbed into the bloodstream (such as CO2 and Nitrogen)? Or are these gases directly exhaled without passing through the body (bloodstream) as the Oxygen does?

Does anyone remember Channel 4 showwing late night manga films in the mid nineties?

I remember seeing them when I was younger and would love the titles if anyone else knows what they were. I've scoured forums and the like but to no avail.

If I only smoked weed once, how long does it take to get out of my body.?

My first time smoking. I inhaled it maybe 10 times , how long does it get out of my system? Still 30 days or less because I'm not a constant smoker. How can I get it out fast? And does anyone have facts about THC?

Does anybody know a great party tour in Thailand?

i agree with both spanky and karazyal, if you want to sleaze it up and nothing more then by all means go to pattaya, there you will be able to bang your brains out but after a few days it gets real old, real fast. that's why i also have to agree with denny eagle as well, because there is so much more to experience in the 'land of smiles' than just pros. i got back a week ago from a 10 day vacation on phuket and i was lucky enough to hook up with a tour group that combined daytime adventures with nighttime adventures. so if you're looking for the best of both worlds you and your buddy's should check this site out. . and don't worry about all the bullshit that was in hangover 2, thailand is much safer than los angeles where i'm from. just know that if you're looking for trouble you will find it. good luck out there and have some fun!

Inhaled Sodium hydroxide all night, now coughing and sneezing. Should I go to the hospital?

I'm no doctor but I think you shoul see a doctor if inhaled it can make you incredibly sick , get someone to drive you in case you pass out while driving

Is it ok for my daughter to use more than 1 large can of AquaNet Hairspray a day? She says she wants more?

My daughter says she wants to use more hairspray, could that be bad for her hair? I'm not sure what to tell her. Just looking for some opinions or advice. and no, she's not inhaling it to get high.

I'm obsessed with losing weight? ?

its always on my mind. I count calories, have very strict diet rules. I am 135 pounds and want to get down to 100 pounds. I think about my diet and weight loss goal everyday. Is this normal?

Smoking....with some height issues too!?

Do you realize the impact that smoking has on the people around you? Many people suffer from illness that they can't help and you CHOOSE to smoke? My daughter suffers from chronic recurrent pancreatitis. She is one year old. Inhaling the crap that you spew out can put her right back in the hospital. DON"T DO IT! I think other people's lives are a little more important than whether or not you continue to get taller. FYI it stinks, you get ugly, and you waste a lot of money!

How many calories should I eat to lose 10 pounds? Help!?

I am 13, 5ft 2" and I am currently 105. But I want to be 95. I eat 900 calories a day and exercise a lot already.

Is this too few calories?

For about the past week, I haven't really been eating normally. My calorie intake for any given day has been around 400-900. I know that's under, but I haven't been hungry. Is it bad that I've been doing that? I'm gradually eating a little more (I ate about 1,100 today.) but I feel sick when i eat too much.

What proof alcohol can you inhale?

AWOL is getting pretty popular but what happens if someone puts in a high proof alcohol like everclear and inhales it?

I smoked hookah for the first time but didn't inhale just blew it out. Is it still dangerous?

I tried hookah with my friends for the first time today and then I came home and read how some people say it leads to cancer. It's not something I feel addicted towards but I was wondering if it is still dangerous if I keep it in my mouth then just blow it out and not inhale any smoke. If so, how dangerous

How do I deal with people who criticize me for my weight?

I get what you're saying. I think the best thing to do is try to ignore them. Just think, who's gonna be laughing when you lose that weight? They're going to wish they were nicer to you. Good luck :)

Hardgainer needs help!?

Ok so I have been training for about 6 years now. While the first two were filled with impressive gains, the years following were filled with frustration as I managed to pack on maybe one or two more pounds of muscle PER YEAR. I have tried many routines, as well as eating up to 7 meals a day consisting mainly of grain carbs and lean chicken. I am 5'10 and weigh about 160-165 and am probably around 13% body fat. The problem is, no matter how much or how often i eat and how intensely I train, I am not seeing results like I should. Recently I read about "abbreviated routines" for hardgainers, consisting of maybe only 3 compound exercises per workout performed only twice per week. My initial impression is that this seems shockingly low and that I am capable of much more than this. It is likely that I have been overtraining, but cutting down to that extent seems daunting. So my question is, is such a routine right for my body type and does anyone have experience with abbreviated routines? I will supplement such a routine with around 4,000 calories per day.

Is this story good...Title suggestions?

It is good, very powerful. I would title it something like "Pain Comes and Goes" or "Death Comes When We Least Expect It."

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is better for weight loss? Jogging two miles or biking eight miles?

I usually jog/run two miles a day but today I went with biking for eight miles on a local prairie path. I know jogging usually burns more calories but I went a lot farther on a bike and wondered if this is a perfect or better substitute?

How to Lose weight fast!!?

Losing weight has lots of myths and round about ways, but long story cut short, you get fat by overeating and underexcersizing so simply the only way to lose weight is to eat less and do more. Diets only work as they limit the income to a body so without dieting, cut out all junk food and eat less and do more. Trust me, It works! Hope it works for you.

What happens to your body if you don't eat when your hungry?

SSometimes when you don't eat enough, your body, needing the protein, starts attacking your muscles to get what it needs. You should try drinking more water, have more vitamins, and eat more fulfilling foods. You also need to start sleeping earlier. You should have at least 8 hours a day!

Weight loss wise, was this a good meal plan for today?

Yes it is very healthy but it doesn't seem like enough calories. When losing weight I suggest eating at least five/four small meals a day. You should have had lunch. If your body doesn't get a sufficient amount of calories then you go in starvation mode and end up storing fat. I'm a vegetarian also and I get my protein from soy milk, veggie meat and iron from nuts (legumes) But overall your plan is good and very healthy.

Can I eat ramen noodles while on a diet?

So i'm still kind of hungry,this is my first day dieting, i'm cutting out the junk food, soda & meat, so would it hurt to eat some ramen noodles, 1060 is how many calories i've had today so far.

Do you inhale the cigar smoke?

No. when you smoke a cigar, you don't need to swallow the fume into your lungs but to taste and sample it. The clue to be pleased with your stogie is to pull the smoke in, allow it to twirl in your mouth, smack it like a nice drink, and then free it from your mouth.

Question about 5.56 by 45 NATO round?

what are the numbers, i have scoured the net and noting about what the two numbers actually mean i get one is the length but the other one. any help is appreciated.

Can u smoke sisha while pregnant?

ok this isnt a question but i have no idea how to work this stupid thing but ive noticed people saying how bad it is to smoke shisha while pregnant and all you whove siad yes are you dumb!???? yu DONT inhale the smoke yu keep it in yur mouth and blow out lol learn ur facts before you answer.

More calories when you exercise?

I am 16, 5 ft 3 in tall. I weigh 104 lbs. I normally eat about 1200 calories a day. I used to eat less but I know you shouldn't. I go to the gym about 5 to 6 days a week. I burn 500 - 600 calories in cardio. Because of this, I am suppose to eat more calories right? I want to maintain my same weight, so the goal is to stay fit, not lose weight. What would be a good average amount of calories to eat when I exercise? I know it all depends on the person, but, maybe a guideline? Thank you!

Is it possible to play as Reptile in Mortal Kombat 1 for Sega?

I have scoured the Internet looking for the answer to this. One guy said you have to beat Reptile 3 times and do the fatality each time--I actually DID this and still no Reptile. Just want to know if anyone out there has actually done it/seen it done. Thanks.

Where to purchase a queen sized Winnie the Pooh comforter and sheet set?

I have scoured the Internet looking for a Winnie The Pooh quilt, bedspread, or comforter in a queen size along with a set of queen sized Winnie The Pooh sheets. I am coming up empty again and again. I found a duvet cover on a couple of occasions, but it's not what I am looking for. Need to find these items by Christmas. Have checked the Disney Store, Disneyland, and E-bay. Any one know where to find these items?

Im on a 1,000 calorie diet, how much cardio should i do?

Well Its really up to you & how much you can do. But you should at-least do 30 min- 1 hr. light excerices & 3-4 times a week :)) it worked for me :))

How can i restore my Iomega hard drive to factory settings?

it is a 1 TB iomega Prestige desktop hard drive. My computer recognizes that the hard drive is there but i cannot move files to or from it. The icon does not even appear. It only says that there is a device and it will let me change its properties but that is it. Ive scoured my computer and anything possible so please help me xP

If the Inquisition was revived...?

And in the 21st century I must add. Except that heresy, which now includes atheism, is now a capital offence. "Witchhunters" have been replaced by church officials, who now scour the streets and communities for atheists/heretics. What would you do in such a hypothetical scenario?

Looking for the name of an inn I visited that is north of Salisbury?

This inn is north of Salisbury but south of Stonehenge on the main road between the two. My family stopped here for lunch and none of us can remember the name of this wonderful place. It was in a small town, in line with other buildings. It was two or three stories. White. The main dining room looked out on a lovely garden. Inside the entrance was a table with Beatle memorabilia that looked permanent. The bar/lounge was on the left as you walk in. A stairway was on the right. Dining straight ahead. A parking lot is directly across from the inn. Any ideas? I already scoured the web for inns and hotels in the area. I can identify the outside front if you can supply a picture. Thanks!

Anybody have any information about the electronic cigarettes?

At the moment I am an occasional cigar smoker (one cigar about every other day). I am not looking to quit smoking all together because I actually started for health reasons, I know sounds stupid but I have done a lot of research on the matter and the nicotine has some positive side effects for me. The problem is that I am a health conscious person and it concerns me that I'm going to be a smoker for the rest of my life. I chose cigars over cigarettes because I don't want to inhale anything and destroy my lungs because I am a runner. I have started doing research to see if there are any alternatives to smoking and most of what came up are e-cigarettes. It seems that these are designed for the purpose of quitting and since that's not my intent are they worth it? Are they honestly healthier than smoking and would they be harder on my lungs than cigars since I would have to actually inhale? I understand the basic idea of how they work but not enough to know if they would work for what I would be using them for. Are they designed to be smoked every few days for years and years? My other concern with this is I can buy a months worth of cheap cigars for under $20 and would rather not quadruple this expense by buying electronic cigarettes or electronic cartridges. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Help me please, I'm so confused! :(?

i went threw the same exact thing your going threw. i fell in love with my best friend. it sounds like she has feelings for you, but is to scared to tell you. i would just wait a little while to see if she tries to make a move or give you a sign that she likes you. as far as getting over her, its going to be really hard. the first person you like alot is almost impossible to get over. you just gotta learn how to live with just being friends and try to find someone else to like. from what you said, i think your bi. but your only 14, you still have time to figure out who you are! im 16 and still have no idea what i am. but i hope with help alittle.

How to set D7000 to raw? Having an issue with menu setting.?

I just got my d7000 and am trying to set it to save the files as RAW(NEF). I've scoured the handbook but just can't figure it out. When I set the first card to RAW and the other to JPEG it still doesn't work. Please only comment if you are trying to help. Thanks

What would you rate my poem?

10/10 dear. You have a wonderful future. Remember my words. Can I suggest something?? If yes, please put your 100% to what you like to be in your life and you will become the same. I know you can. All the Best my superstar!

Will the pipe kill my dad?

hi everyone. so my dad smokes the pipe its a pipe with a filter and he does not inhale or anything.. the pipe has just plain tabacco in it and he smokes it about 4 to 5 times a day and he is not addicted. i asking this because today we were talking and he wondered if it was doing him harm? or will it kill him? will it? :/

Can you be dismissed while in possesion of a doctor's sick note?

Sorry but although it is wrong for you to have been sacked, there is not a lot that you can do, you cannot sue for wrongful dismissal because you have not worked for them for over two years, they have not said that you have been sacked because you have been sick, they have said that it is not working out, you could go to the Citizens Advice Bureau to see what steps you can take though, if any.

A little audition help?

Hi I'm 13 and I love to act. I can't really sing, so that inhibits many theater auditions. I have little experience, but I would love to audition for Disney. I've scoured all the sights i can find, but i can't find any auditions near Chicago. (and no way can I get an agent) What now?

Suggestions for my Blue/Black Mill Deck: Magic the Gathering?

Don't forget about Blue Sun's Zenith! I can target your opponents too! Also Sea Gate Oracle is pretty good for mucking up the ground while smoothing out your draws. That makes it better than wall of frost IMO. He's a heck of a lot easier to cast on turn 3 since he only requires one blue. Sure, wall of frost blocks titans. But isnt that what you have permission and Go for the Throat for? Be careful will all those lands that come into play tapped. They can keep from countering an important spell early. Try to work in as many basics as you can.

Where can I get electrolyte fluid for a young goat kid?

I have a 4 week old mini nubian buckling, and he has diarrhea, and most likley scours. I read that with diarrhea, comes loss of electrolytes, and that electrolyte fluid will rid the diarrhea, and boost a goat kid's electrolytes. Could I buy it at a feed store?

What will give you a better body - eating 1200 calories/day and never working out or 2000/day and working out?

i dont know y0ur body type or BMI or anything about you so i cant answer you 100% lol BUT id say eat 1500-1600 AND workout < u wont get bulky, y0ull get lean and fit, promise!

Everything on my computer has been deleted?!?

i am afraid you will need to setup the whole windows again, and after that directly install antivirus and make a full scan , i recommend kaspersky ( even trail for i month ) , it will detect better than macafee

Inhaling baby powder?

i'm at home with my sister.. and she told me to "smell" this baby powder.. but she pressed the bottle and i inhaled A LOT of it... my chest hurts when i take a deep breathe and im coughing ALOT.. im guessing my lungs are probably a bit irratated.. do i need to worry about this or will i be fine... the bottle was full so when she pressed hard on it, lots when through my mouth and nose it really burns too.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I used marijuanna? I'm 14 please help?

I was feeling down so I went to the cabinet where my dad keeps this tube of water thingy with marijuanna on the side and on the top there is something where you put your mouth in and inhale it. My dad usually light up the side but I didn't, I just inhaled a little about two times. I checked in the mirror and my pupils slowly rise and fall. Is this normal? I don't seem buzzed or anything. I don't know why I even did it in the first place. Iv'e just seen my parent doing it a lot of times that I wanted to see whats their fascination twords it

What does it mean if she squeezes my hand while we kiss?

so i was making out with my gf and she was holding one of my hands and i was touching her boobs with the other. every like 5-10 seconds she would squeeze my hand. does that mean she liked it? she would also inhale or exhale a little harder too other times. im sure thats a good sign though

Can i be issued a ticket when i wasn't driving the car?

well yes you can because the car is registered to you. its your responsibility to whoever you let use the car.

Should it be considered an act of terrorism when a person throws glitter on a presidential candidate?

What if it gets in their eye and scratches their cornea? This could do permanent eye damage. Or what if they inhale it and it gets in their lungs and pneumonia sets in?

Question about calories and exercise?!?

On the app I have on my phone to count calories, it says I burn like 360 calories an hour for jogging, but then I burn 400 calories an hour for jogging in place. I don't understand how jogging in place could burn more calories than regular jogging?

Are all calories and sugar created equally?

Sugar is sugar. Filling up on fruit is a terrible idea if you are on a diet. Whilst it is naturally occurring sugar and full of vitamins, it will be processed in the same way. Sugar of all kinds needs to be avoided if you are on a diet. If you hate veg then snack on bits of chicken or fat free sugar free Greek yoghurt which is also high in protein.

How can I make my boyfriend feel safe being honest with me?

Hey- Honesty is a two way street. Just talk to him. I was having an issue similar to this with my guy and I let it fester until I completely blew up at him, granted it worked for us and our communication is better now, but you don't want it to go that far. Sit him down, explain how you feel about what you read and how its making you feel. Don't accuse him or blame him just let him know the situation is bothering you, if this kind of thing doesn't stop, it's over.

My nail seems to be detaching itself from the nail bed?!?!?

Okay so I have come to the decision to stop chewing my nails lately. Its been hard. My nails are thanking me for it (sort of). they have started growing normally. Except one. My "rude" finger, the nail is growing like all the others but for some strange reason the white bit (toward my finger) seems to be a weird shape. it looks like my nail is lifting off my nail bed. I have been scouring the internet and have found some stuff but nothing definite. I have been having trouble sleeping and im wondering if its my thyroid gland contributing yet ANOTHER problem ? any help would be great

How many calories should i intake?

1800 if you are not active. 2,000 is if you are active in some type of sport. Your body needs to keep up with being so active. If you starve yourself,you won't be able to lose fat and gain muscle in return.

Is this from the bug spray or my period?

okay ive been on my period for the past couple days, and sometimes i get general headaches from them but not that often. i sprayed a bunch of bug spray in my bathroom last night, and my head started hurting because the smell was a little overpowering. i didnt directly inhale/ingest it or apply it to my skin though, i just smelled it. now, thirteen hours later, i still have the same headache. could that really happen from smelling bug spray or is it my period?

Lost a binder in school.?

Why do you think you left it in the guitar room? Maybe you never took it out of the first class. Unless you meant you were using it for the homework. I 'm not sure about if you were using it. Yes, go in early to look for it but do not worry too much. If you lose a notebook will not the teacher ask another student if you can take notes from their notebook and copy? That's what my teachers did if someone lost a notebook with a lot of work. If it is not in the guitar room do not panic because someone will turn it in. The teacher maybe found it and put it somewhere safe. I hope your name is on it. Find out who in thevschool has charge of lost and found. So if it isn't in guitar room back track to where you were. Just remember- it has to be someplace!! With exams coming up I 'm sure the teacher will help. Good luck and don't worry I am very sure you will find it

I need help with a tenant who will not vacate my apartment and need to know my (and his) legal rights.?

Move out as you mentioned but don't move back. Then it's the landlord's problem to get him out. I wouldn't want this guy to know where I lived.

Weight and muscle help?

am 5'10 and am skinny as hell i look at 125 but my really weigh is 155 and am wondering can i burn calories and build muscle do i lose weight too ???

Is this normal for a 2 day old goat kid?

My Nubian doe just gave birth to her first kid. I was not present at the birth. The doeling is now just under 2 days old. She is alert, nursing wonderfully, no scours, or cough. The only thing is this. When she walks, every few steps her back legs kind of lag behind. As if they were glued to the ground. Then to catch them up she hops them forward together, while not moving her front legs. Is this normal for a 2 day old kid? She is going to the vet Saturday for dis-budding, so I plan on asking him about it. But I am concerned.

Are fattening foods okay to eat?

Okay so I try to eat abut 2000 calories a day and I'll give myself a "treat" every second day so if I eat something that fits into my calorie intake but has 30g of fat, is it still okay to eat it or will it blow my diet?

Can red hair on a guy be attractive?

If not, I'll just drown myself in my neighbors pool because I'd rather inhale water than be ugly based on my genetic code. p.s. I have green eyes

Calorie counter for bike?

Is there anythig that will calculate how many calories I burn while I'm bike riding? I know that pedometers don't work

Are there 30 inch monitors that can do 3D gaming?

I scoured the internet and can only find 3D enabled monitors at 1920x1080. I'd like one at 2560x1600. Is this even possible... to run 3D at 2560x1600. I know you need at least 120 HZ for 3D and not sure if any existing monitor will cover that at 2560x1600.

Loosing weight. limiting.?

If I limit my calories to 1500 a day am I gurenteed to loose weight? Btw I'm a teenage girl if thhat has anything to do with calorie intake.

Does drinking diet pop make you bloated?

So, in the past couple of weeks I have been trying my hardest to eat healthy. I've kept it around 1200-1400 calories a day, and I exercise (Running, Cheerleading, Gymnastics). But I feel like I got bigger. I noticed the only difference is that I have been drinking a ton of diet pop. I know its pretty much nothing--no calories, no sugar, but can it make you bloated? I'm not that big, I'm 5 feet 102 pounds, so it doesn't look so great when I get bloated :P Will cutting out the pop help me look trim?

Can someone help me host a server?

Hey, I run into trouble whenever I try to host something off of a static IP address. I'd like some assistance via teamviewer if that would be possible. Whenever I set up my computer with a static IP it does not let me access the internet, this is mainly because I have no idea what I'm doing. I've turned to google and a couple hours spent scouring the web cannot help me. Please email me and I will be forever grateful.

34 weeks pregnant with horrible stomach pains that worsen when I inhale?

My stomach has been hurting for the past couple hours really bad and when I breathe in it hurts even worse, I ate a bowl of cereal and it made it even worse. I'm exhausted but can't sleep with this pain, I don't know if this is normal, should I be worried or what?

What is wrong with my computer?

Open up your browser, and leave only one tab open. Press alt + f4. If you are experiencing further problems, then something is wrong with your internal hardware, and you need to get it fixed immediately.

My Playstation 2 memory card doesn't work anymore?

So I accidently took out my memory card to play Guitar Hero Aerosmith one day, but put it back in once I realized my mistake. I almost never take it out. Heck, for two years I don't know if I ever did since I got it. I usually always play Madden, so when I tried to play Madden 11, I keep getting an error message saying 'Error reading memory card. The memory card has been either removed or replaced.' I have tried blowing as hard as possible into the memory card and the part where you put the card in. To no avail. Nothing is rattling inside it. I have scoured Google for an answer but haven't gotten one. What should I do to fix this problem? It says there is no data on the card, but it senses one there when I go to browser. I have a slim.

4 week old Mini Nubian goat with diarrhea..?

It has nothing to do with grass. You caused the scours by not switching him over slowly. Goats are no different than human babies. You cant stop one formula and suddenly start something else. On top of that you went from a powdered replacer that is formulated for goats to milk which has a higher fat content and added corn syrup! Thats a sugar that will draw water to the gut. PLEASE take out the corn syrup and find out what replacer he was on. he should have been transitioned to whole milk very slowly by mixing the formula and milk together over the course of a week. You can very easily kill a kid by suddenly swapping milk like you did.

Short Sleeve Zip Up Hoodie or Zip Vest Hoodie?

I've been scouring the internet for about two to three days now searching for just a plain Short Sleeve Zip Up Hoodie or a Zip Up Vest Hoodie....where can I find one?! Especially one that isn't $50+, I'm in the US so in case that would help get answers there you does anyone know???

Smoked k2 10 days ago and still have "waves" of body high?

so i smoked a mix of i think its "idk" and "lol" 10 days ago and im starting to get used to what is happening to me. My mind isn't high, but the body high, or the way my body feels when im high, keeps coming back. After i smoked it, it went away until the next day. It continued for around 2 days then stopped again. A couple of days later i woke up at 3 am and I was shaking uncontrollably, i couldn't really feel temperature, focusing on one thing would make me feel dizzy because what i was focusing on was shaking in a circle. Ever since then ive felt better until today. Just like every time a "wave" hits me, my heart started to beat really fast, and i started to have a body high. When i say body high, im talking about how its almost like my mind isn't synced with my body. For example, when i tap my arm repeatedly, it almost feels like im not the one tapping my arm. Also, when I inhale as much air as i can and exhale it really fast, its like a delay feeling in my lungs, almost like when i breathe my mind remembers that my body is still there. PLEASE no one tell me that I was stupid in smoking fake pot, i obviously know that. I'm so scared to take any kind of drug, including alcohol, because im thinking it might make my condition worse. I'm not here to be lectured by someone, i'm here to see if anyone has any information on this and to see if this is happening to anyone else. If anyone needs clarification on something that I said or just a question that would help you give me information, please post it, because I will use the "additional information" section to give you that information. Thanks for any information that you give.

Watermelon for breakfast lunch and dinner?

i've been on a diet for about 2 weeks now and was just wondering if eating watermelon for 3 meals was bad? im only eating half of a watermelon total, i think watermelon keeps me full, rly delicious and is also low in calories so i thought it might be a good idea, i dont know much about nutritions and stuff so was just wondering if there could be any health issues or anything bad that can come from this? thx alot lol

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Am I a bad girlfriend because I am jobless and living with my boyfriend?

In 2010 I graduated from college, was unable to keep my current job and could not find employment in my small town so my boyfriend asked me to come stay with him and look for work in his area since there are more businesses and therefore more opportunities. It is 2011 and I still don't have a job. I look for a job everyday, any job that I can find. I scour the internet, look through the newspaper and fill out job applications at businesses. When I do get an interview, I'm usually not selected due to inexperience or because my degree makes me look like I won't be a long-term employee if the job is not related to my degree. I get depressed and I cry a lot. I feel sad and worthless when I think about my situation. Today after a job interview at a local hotel my boyfriend checked his bank account and complained about money. He was joking but said he didn't have money because I keep asking him for things but I try hard not to ask for anything unless it is something I really need. Even if he was joking, I felt horrible. Sorry if it seems like I am ranting, I feel like I have no one to talk to. Am I a bad person?

What does this poem mean to you?

That the writer is in a dark place mentally, searching for the figurative light; but things keeps getting in the way. The poem seems to be about depression. Trying to find the way out, having to know that there IS a way out.

I am looking to loose weight.?

I am 17 years old and looking to loose weight. I run/walk 2 miles a day. And do 25 push ups morning and night. I just ate 1000 calories of taco bell. And I havent done my running/walking today. Do you think I would be able to burn some of that off? I weigh 220 LBS. but its not like a chubby fat. Just a wide frame. Just on the heavier side.

What type of pipe do I have?

My pipe is definitely not a tabacco pipe, it is glass the color is silver goldish, and the shape of it is ._./ - thats the shape. In-between those two dots is where you put the stiff that you smoke. At the top (the line) is where you inhale.(still talking about the shaper I wrote with symbols). ._./ - this. I'll wright more detail. /__\ - this is the part you pit the weed or tabacco in. (the bottom) so what type of pipe is this? Whats it called?

Should I be worried about having a blood clot?

Well when I woke up at about 6 this morning I had a really painful sharp pain under my left breast like in the top of my ribs. It hurt when I moved and inhaled. I went to the hospital and they said it sounded like a possible blood clot so they did an EKG on me and it was normal. Then they wanted to draw blood to check for a blood clot but I refused cause im terrified of bad news. I have also been extremely and oddly gassy today, and since the pain went away while I was in the hospital I assumed it was caused by gas. My question is, if I did have a blood clot would I be feeling the affects? My friend thats a CNA said that if I did have a blood clot my blood pressure would be high and I'd be feeling ill. But besides the constant gas, I feel fine. Should I be worried?

What's the best over the counter cream for acne scarring?

You could try using Retin A cream. Many people have had great results using Retin A in helping get rid of their acne as well as acne scars. Retin A helps increase collagen production and fill indented acne scars. Results on scars don’t show for a few months though, so you need to keep using it.

Anorexia or crash diet?

okay so im 13, 5'4 115 lb. i have bad eating habits and i was wandering if its just a crash diet or like anorexia. so days that my parents arnt home and stuff i usually dont eat anything at all. just water or 0 calorie drinks. when my mom cooks dinner i just say i already ate and im not hungry. but when we go out to dinner like at a restaurant i usually eat a normal amount. because i dont want my parents thinking im not eating enough. and then just try to burn as much as i can off by running down our street or doing exercise videos. i am very insecure with the way i look...i always feel fatter then everyone else. even though i weight the same as most of my friends. if i eat anything i will start to freek out and ill just start running around to try and burn it off. losing weight is like on my mind 24/7. i also have an anxiety problem. so some nites i dont even sleep because im freeking out about how i look. i havnt really lost any weight.....but ive only been doing this for about 2 weeks. and when it comes to how many calories i eat in a day...every day is different. it could be 0 one day and 800 the next. i obsess about calories alot....if the box even says 0 on it, ill go back and check at least 4 times....i dont know why i do that though. and the longest ive gone without eating anything was 2 days i think. so ya i was just wondering if you guys think its just a regular crash diet or an eating disorder. i know im not underweight, so thats why i wasnt sure. (&when i dont eat for 2 days i usually go down to about 110lb). any answers would be a big help(:

What can happen from smoking newspaper?

I know its stupid but i was just messing around and decided to make a fake blunt out of the yellow pages that was lying around. Its got colored adverts and black ink on yellow paper. I just held it in my mouth and blew out for multiple fake blunts and accidentally inhaled twice causing a bad cough. i did this for a while cause it was pretty fun and went about my day. Now im flipping out with anxiety thinking im dying or got cancer or something. I know it was stupid i just need some reassurance that i dont have ink poisoning or anything. I only inhaled twice... thanks

How is this piece from my novel?

I think this story has a lot of potential! I really like the idea and I hope you continue with it. late in the story, try to throw in some stuff that has never happened in a story like this though and i think it will be great!

What was the first thing...?

Macaroni with ham and cheese when I was 10. Every Wednesday noon for my grandmother and myself (mom was at work)... and it was yummy every time! :-)

UK regulations around ventilation in the workplace?

You and your staff withdraw your labour until the problem is fixed - if you don't have confidence to actually strike, then you all go sick on the same day.

I'm a counsellor having difficulty choosing my new office...?

I am a counsellor with 3 young kids. I work part time so I can be home for the kids. I have a lot of student loans. My office building is being torn down and I have to find a new place to work. I have been in my current office for 5 years. It is run-down but rent is cheap ($900 per month). I have to choose between a more run-down building for $900 per month or working in a mall medical office ($1300 to $1500 per month). I am afraid that I will not be able to cover my overhead in the more expensive place, but I am also afraid that I will alienate clients who will not want to come to a scarier building. I have scoured the city for available options and there is only a 0.5% vacancy rate, so there is not much available. I have to be fairly central as many clients come on the bus. The mall recently had a mouse problem, but they say it is ok now.

My baby whitetail deer has stopped eating. What do I do?

We have a baby deer, and he has stopped wanting to eat... See he has had Scours and so we started taking suggestions off the internet. We started feeding him pepto but all that did was make him not want to eat. See he now won't even eat regular milk... I NEED TO KNOW QUICK!

Is Coleslaw good or bad for you?

I Mean It's got a ton of Mayo in it which is like 100 Calories a spoonfull and i looked at the ingrediants and it also Includes Cream, but then again it has Cabbage, Carrot and Onion in it, any ideas?

Pain in left side of chest when breathing?

So I'm pretty much a physical wreck lately. I'm generally pretty active. I'm 18, and I smoke. Once in awhile I get a pain in the left side of my chest, kinda under my collarbone but almost under my armpit. Its only when I breath. Both inhale and exhale, sometimes worse then others. Also, to add... I discovered today I have a hard lump on the back of my head, kinda on my neck.. On my left side, but nothing on my right side.. Doesn't hurt, just strange.

Do i have an eating disorder?

i'm 5'6 and i weigh 114 lbs; i used to weigh 127 about a month ago. food is always taking over my thoughts and emotions, i count calories all the time and i measure all my portions. i avoid being around friends/family when they're eating so i'm not tempted to eat more. i black out whenever i stand up and i feel weak all the time...i don't want to really lose much more weight, but i'm not sure if its possible not to with the way i eat. i eat 750 calories at most per day, when i should be getting 1,500. what do you think? thank you!

Any free image organisers?

There are a few good ones. Google Picasa is one, and Adobe used to do a really good free one, maybe they still do.

Smoked weed for the first time?

So I smoked weed for the first time and didn't even get high, we were even using a bong and I'm pretty sure I inhaled right. Why is it that I didn't get high?

Whey protein drinks and gaining weight?

I am going through a divorce and very stressed. I don't have much of an appetite so I eat a light lunch and enough to get full during supper. I normally weigh 98lbs and look decent because I am short but now I am just bones (probably early 90s). I'm trying to gain weight and I am not very active. The drink mix I got is 26g of protein and 140 calories. How much should I drink a day and when? And will it help?

I eat 2,624 calories a day. How many calories do i have to burn to lose weight?

First we need to know a few things. Height weight gender age and how much activity you get in a day.

Losing weight and gaining muscle?

Omg. Yes you will gain weight but don't expect muscle gains eating like this. Where is your protein??? 1 gram for every pound of bodyweight.

How do you smoke a cigar?

How do you pull the smoke into your mouth without inhaling? every time i try i can only get a little in my mouth before it starts down my windpipe. The amount i get before that happens isn't even enough to taste it.

If smoking is so bloody bad for you then why not just make it flippin illegal?

What happened to human rights yes non smokers have the right to not inhale our second hand smoke from ciggaretts but smokers should have the same right to smoke were they like. we pay more tax than non smokers so why does the government want us to quit so bad it would be their loss.

What is the name and artist of this song?

I've scoured Google trying to find out what this song was for years and it's driving me nuts! This is a link to it from YouTube ( Many people attribute it to Enya, which it is not. I think it might be from the original Boondock Saints movie but from the clips of the soundtrack I've heard, nothing matches. And the information provided on the YouTube video is wrong. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance!

How to adjust the recline kick-stand on my Graco ComfortSport car seat?

I just don't get it, I guess. The kick-stand won't budge! I'm getting frustrated to the point that I just want to throw in the towel and return it! We have a MyRide 65 in our primary vehicle and love it. We got the ComfortSport for our secondary vehicle, but I can't get the darn kick-stand to fold under in order to install it in the rear-facing position. I have scoured the manual and the internet for info on this and found nothing. I have tried pushing on the little tabby-button-thingy with the end of a pencil, prying it out of the way with the end of a butter knife, and everything else I can think of! Can someone else who owns this seat let me in on the secret? 'Cause I'm just not getting it I guess! Thanks!

Anybody have any information about the electronic cigarettes?

At the moment I am an occasional cigar smoker (one cigar about every other day). I am not looking to quit smoking all together because I actually started for health reasons, I know sounds stupid but I have done a lot of research on the matter and the nicotine has some positive side effects for me. The problem is that I am a health conscious person and it concerns me that I'm going to be a smoker for the rest of my life. I chose cigars over cigarettes because I don't want to inhale anything and destroy my lungs because I am a runner. I have started doing research to see if there are any alternatives to smoking and most of what came up are e-cigarettes. It seems that these are designed for the purpose of quitting and since that's not my intent are they worth it? Are they honestly healthier than smoking and would they be harder on my lungs than cigars since I would have to actually inhale? I understand the basic idea of how they work but not enough to know if they would work for what I would be using them for. Are they designed to be smoked every few days for years and years? My other concern with this is I can buy a months worth of cheap cigars for under $20 and would rather not quadruple this expense by buying electronic cigarettes or electronic cartridges. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!

How many calories did I eat today?

Not enough lol. I would guess around a thousand but it depends what brand cookies and how much salad

Would not eating diner be healthy?

I started a diet a little over one week ago and have lost almost 13lbs I have also been exercising 4 times per day for a half hour each. Before I started my diet I would eat around 2500 calories a day and I'm a pretty big guy (6'3" 232lbs at the moment) but now I'm on my diet I eat 3 small means breakfast, lunch and diner (about 1500 calories) now I've recently noticed I'm not even hungry around diner and I think Its due to the fact my stomach Is getting smaller from eating less food. So would not eating diner be healthy.

What happens if you breath the wrong way when?

If you keep doing that you'll experience heart complications. Doing this causes a lack of oxygen transport to the muscles and therefor the heart isn't receiving oxygen either. You should go see a doctor and get some tests run. I hope it goes well for you.

Why is the Lamestream Media scouring over Sarah Palins Emails trying to find dirt? Do they have a life?

I think it may be a genius move by the Republicans to get her out there and get lots of media attention pulled away from Democrats.

Where can I fin the book Hidden Faces by Salvador Dali?

I scoured through dozens of pages in search for this. I don't really have the money to buy it and was hoping there was an ebook of downloadable variant of Dali's book. Does anyon know where I could find it, if there is one?

Sick baby calf, and not sure what to do...?

Hey all, my husband brought home a baby calf two days ago, and the first day, he was vigorously eating, and doing well. Now he has scours and is so weak he can barely stand. I can't get into the vet until this afternoon, or possibly tomorrow morning. Is there anything I can do to help him, or anything I could get at the feed store?

How to gain weight fast?

I am 19 yrs old female and i weight 105 lbs 5'3 ive been slim my entire life and im sick of it i so badly want to gain weight but its like no matter how much i eat nothing changes i was wondering if i could drink protein shakes to add on the pounds real fast im desperate, i read the calories on the labels and it would range from 500-1000 and thats exactly what i need i tried eatin a lot of fast food but even then i dont gain any weight very weird

Monday, July 11, 2011

How much weight could I lose if I...?

Run 4 miles, do 30 push ups, 50 sit ups everyday. Do Zumba on the Wii for 45 minutes a day. Eat 800-1000 calories a day, including lots of veggies, fruit, water, eggs, salad, and veggie burgers. (Vegetarian 2 years). I am a female, 19, and weighing 183, but I look 150 due to muscle. How much weight could I lose in two months?

Can my cockatoo eat this if its cooked this way?

I was wondering if my cockatoo can eat food cooked in a non stick pan. I do know they cannot inhale the fumes from the pan if it overheats. Does this still apply if i cooked food for him to eat in a nonstick?

Did you find your job on Craigslist? How long did it take?

Go to every stores online website that you live by and apply on all of their websites even if they arent hiring. Thats how i got my job

Are kidney beans good for weight loss?

Great fiber, adds protein too...beans are a great, healthy out for canned beans with sauces, though (BBQ, Baked Beans, etc.) because there the fat and sugars can really add up.

Have you used strawberry extract in baking?

I have scoured the stores where I live and can't find any, so I want to get some online. I want to flavor a cake with a natural strawberry flavor. Can you please recommend a particular brand, that you've actually used and tasted?

Whats the best way for a teenager to lose weight?

Im 16 and i want to lose about 10 to 15 pounds.In 2 to 5 weeks.I weigh about 150 to165.I don't know exactly.My height is 5'6 , 5'7.Most of my fat is around my stomach and thighs.I have been considering starving my self or making my self throw up.I know its not the best thing to do but i am desperate.So please just help me find diets that are faster but i hate calorie diets so please don't suggest that.I just want a fast healthy diet thats easy.So please i would really like your suggestions.Thanks:)

Coughing while smoking (weed vs cigs)?

Different cause for irritation. Irritation causes coughing. But the cough will subside as you get used to irritating yourself like that.

My friend made me obese?

I know all the details because my friend confessed and told me all this yesterday. So im a guy, 15 and it basically started last year when my friend started lending me some money when I forgot my wallet so I could buy a snack from the vending machine. Then he started coming with me to the vending machine and offering to pay for my snack everyday. He then started buying me two snacks everyday even though I didn't ask and just said I could pay him back next time we went into town or something. So for a few weeks he would buy me two or three snacks everyday and needless to say the increase in calories was beginning to show. My friend said it really started when this happened as he saw me in swimming and noticed I looked chubbier. But it got worse over the next few months, he started buying me more and more snacks and with an increasing appetite and him being so nice I just happily ate. Every two weeks we would go into town to mcdonalds and he suggested an eating contest where the winner got to eat all the food and the loser had to pay for it. As I was getting bigger I always won and found myself eating 5 extra large big macs, fries, ice cream and feeling generally stuffed by the end. At school he would buy me extra snacks to take home and for the weekend in case I got hungry. When I went round to his house he always had plenty of snacks in and we always pigged out, me especially as I got bigger I began to lose control of my appetite, there was a point where I knew I was putting on weight, but I felt so hungry that I wanted more. On my birthday we spent the day in town shopping, I asked if we could get lunch and snacks but he said no, I moaned all day about how hungry I was but he said we wern't eating. Then when we got back to his house he had 3 birthday cakes, biscuits, chocolate and eclairs and said it was my birthday feast which I devoured like a pig. By new year of this year I had just hit the 200lbs mark. As of today I weight 230lbs. Yesterday was our annual yearly fitness test. Not surprisingly there was a lot to say for mine considering I can barely jog now. My teacher told me I had gained 80lbs in a year and my fitness had gone from average weight to morbidly obese. These words made me and my friend stop and think. I had been happy being overweight and he didn't mind making me fat. But when I told him I was morbidly obese and how much I weigh he said it was time to stop, he had just wanted me to get a bit fat for fun but it had got out of hand and now it had to stop. Now what do I do? I know most of you will say lose the weight but any advice?

Have you ever had chest pains?

I am having chest pains since yesterday morning. It hurts the most when I inhale. The pain is right over my right breast. I lift about 30 lbs., several times a day, everyday. Does this sound like it could be a muscle strain?

Windows 7 Startup Repair Loop Ruining my life?

You should try Safe Mode, too (just Safe Mode, not with networking). This problem may be a hard drive issue, it may be an operating system issue, but there isn't a whole lot of troubleshooting that can be done on such an issue online. You might be better off, if Safe Mode also won't let you in, taking it to a professional to have them look at it- they can try and slave the hard drive as a secondary drive on another machine, among other things.

I used marijuanna? I'm 14 please help?

I was feeling down so I went to the cabinet where my dad keeps this tube of water thingy with marijuanna on the side and on the top there is something where you put your mouth in and inhale it. My dad usually light up the side but I didn't, I just inhaled a little about two times. I checked in the mirror and my pupils slowly rise and fall. Is this normal? I don't see buzzed or anything

How to loose my stomach fat?

ok im turning 16, im sick of looking at my stomach fat -.-;;; it sucks. im not in a heatlhy weat but im not over weight either. Any help, any excersize suggestions? < im on a diet really low calorie diet etc no junk food etc that thing> but.. yea. And also if you can help me get rid of my thigh fat ;.;?

Effects of Black Mold?

I saw my little brother earlier (he is 3, and will be four in late July if that matters) over by an area of our house which has a mysterious black substance that looks almost like black mold, which I have heard is a very dangerous type of mold. I don't know what it might do. He appeared to have physical contact with it, and may have inhaled it. Please help. Should I take him to the hospital? Is black mold toxic? (The reason I am being so paranoid is because of a dream I had the other night in which a foamy white substance came out of his mouth and he died). Please tell me what to do. Thanks!

What is the pain under my left shoulder blade caused by?

I have a very sharp pain under my left shoulder blade when I deeply inhale, and extend my left arm. What is the diagnosis for this? Please answer.

My friend made me obese?

I know all the details because my friend confessed and told me all this yesterday. So im a guy, 15 and it basically started last year when my friend started lending me some money when I forgot my wallet so I could buy a snack from the vending machine. Then he started coming with me to the vending machine and offering to pay for my snack everyday. He then started buying me two snacks everyday even though I didn't ask and just said I could pay him back next time we went into town or something. So for a few weeks he would buy me two or three snacks everyday and needless to say the increase in calories was beginning to show. My friend said it really started when this happened as he saw me in swimming and noticed I looked chubbier. But it got worse over the next few months, he started buying me more and more snacks and with an increasing appetite and him being so nice I just happily ate. Every two weeks we would go into town to mcdonalds and he suggested an eating contest where the winner got to eat all the food and the loser had to pay for it. As I was getting bigger I always won and found myself eating 5 extra large big macs, fries, ice cream and feeling generally stuffed by the end. At school he would buy me extra snacks to take home and for the weekend in case I got hungry. When I went round to his house he always had plenty of snacks in and we always pigged out, me especially as I got bigger I began to lose control of my appetite, there was a point where I knew I was putting on weight, but I felt so hungry that I wanted more. On my birthday we spent the day in town shopping, I asked if we could get lunch and snacks but he said no, I moaned all day about how hungry I was but he said we wern't eating. Then when we got back to his house he had 3 birthday cakes, biscuits, chocolate and eclairs and said it was my birthday feast which I devoured like a pig. By new year of this year I had just hit the 200lbs mark. As of today I weight 230lbs. Yesterday was our annual yearly fitness test. Not surprisingly there was a lot to say for mine considering I can barely jog now. My teacher told me I had gained 80lbs in a year and my fitness had gone from average weight to morbidly obese. These words made me and my friend stop and think. I had been happy being overweight and he didn't mind making me fat. But when I told him I was morbidly obese and how much I weigh he said it was time to stop, he had just wanted me to get a bit fat for fun but it had got out of hand and now it had to stop. Now what do I do? I know most of you will say lose the weight but any advice?

Poll: Do you think LSD should be legal?

It's better for you than pot, you don't inhale smoke. You can't overdose, and the whole thing about people jumping out of window is BS. People usually chill, that whole suicide notion was brought on by 1960s anti drug propaganda. Your more liable to kill yourself when you're drunk.

Rate my magic the gathering mono blue mill/control deck please!!!?

It is no good. you need major amounts of land play to make a mill deck work. you need plenty of land search in there, terrmorphic expanse, those tap to find land in the enenmy colors from ww

I used marijuanna? I'm 14 please help?

I was feeling down so I went to the cabinet where my dad keeps this tube of water thingy with marijuanna on the side and on the top there is something where you put your mouth in and inhale it. My dad usually light up the side but I didn't, I just inhaled a little about two times. I checked in the mirror and my pupils slowly rise and fall. Is this normal? I don't see buzzed or anything

Rate my Red-Blue MTG Deck?

Why does everyone insist on using only 1-2 copies of each card in a deck??? 4 copies of each card is essential to making a good deck. Your deck does not have any theme, its just a bunch of random cards tossed together. Try searching on the internet for a decent blue control deck or a Pyromancer's Ascension deck. This deck will not win any matches.

Do you cry, because...............?

i have not cried since my mom died years ago. but my nephew, who is more like a son to me, was missing from his babysitter's today. the cops and fire department and ambulance were scouring the area and it was the worst hour of my lie. i found myself crying like a baby while images of what could have happened to him filled my mind. if u want to see pics of said nephew go to my facebook via my e mail

Do you lose weight faster if you sweat more?

I would like to know if you can burn more calories, lose more weight/fat if you're sweating more? Its been alot warmer in my gym the last week and I've been sweating almost double what I usually do. I have googled this question to see what others have asked/replied. The answers I saw were half of people saying yes AND the other half no--so which one is it?? No offense, but I would like answers from people who actually know instead of someone's opinion. Thanks

There seems to be no swimsuit that's even relatively cute! Help!?

the focus of camp shouldnt be to look cute. its to have fun. don't worry about your bathing suit too much. and all cute swimsuits will have open something.

Can red hair on a guy be attractive?

If not, I'll just drown myself in my neighbors pool because I'd rather inhale water than be ugly based on my genetic code. p.s. I have green eyes

Does anyone make a firewire adapter for The iPad?

You aren't going to be able to record a podcast to an iPad, even with Garageband. You might be able to edit it there. And Apple has stopped supporting Firewire. New Macs come with USB 2.0 and Thunderbolt ports.

Is marijuana a carcinogen?

it is not a carcinogen. thats not to say that the smoke isnt bad for your lungs. but there are no chemicals in weed. so your body can get rid of whats coming in. but its def, def! not laced with things that are in ciggarettes depending on if you are smoking the natural stuff that god made oppossed to the **** people lace (which pisses me off). because there are no chemicals in weed.

Whats a better cardio workout?

tomorrow i plan on doen a swim out in the ocean. i cant decide wether i should swim with jet fins, mask and snorkel or just the mask and snorkel. whhich one is a better cardio exercise. which one will make me burn more calories and be higher in cardio.

Mac Graphics Card Preference? (Gaming!)?

It will make a differance of about, say... 200%. The 6750 is WAAAAY better than the intel 3000. Think no gaming-low gaming (intel) to maxed out with the 6750. If you plan on doing ANY GAMING AT ALL than get the 6750.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cat died after possibly ingesting something poisonous?

Four days ago, after being fine all morning, I noticed my cat was uncontrollably drooling, and sitting in one spot acting strangely. I tried giving her water, and cleaning the drool off, but she continued to drool constantly. I had no money to see a vet, and scoured the internet for answers as to why this was happening, and prayed that she was just going to throw up, and be okay. After about 40 minutes after noticing her drooling, She went into some sort of seizure/fit (meowing and jumping into walls accompanied by very heavy breathing, then just laid on my bathroom floor. after about ten minutes of sitting with her on the floor she died right in front of me. This is by far one of the hardest things I've ever been through, as I loved this cat very much (took her in as a stray about 8 years ago, and for some reason she only seemed to trust me out of my family, and was very skittish around others. Yet, she slept with me every night, and would practically never leave me alone. I'm assuming she had a history of abuse.) As my family didn't have much money, we weren't able to take her to the vet, but knew that she had obviously been spayed, and such. She could have possibly been up to four years old I'd say when we took her in. I took very good care of her, and she was always happy, and healthy seeming. (forgot, she looked to be an almost pure-bred Persian cat). My question is that after her dying, I noticed a spot where she had been drooling right before dying, and it looks almost as if there is glitter in it. I can't find anything with glitter, or anything like that in my home. Anyone have any ideas. I'm hoping this was a death due to some sudden illness, or freak occurrence, rather than poisoning, as I'm having so much trouble dealing with the guilt of not being able to take here to a vet.

Why dont you inhale cigars?

Cigars are smoked for the flavor and aroma of the tobacco. Only cigarette smokers inhale for the nicotine fix.

Is it dangerous if a child aspirates children's tylenol?

Our 18 mo old had a slight fever and was out of sorts last night so we used a syringe to give her 4ml of children's Tylenol. She was crying and struggling as I squirted it in, and she ended up inhaling almost all of it. Her eyes got big and red, coughed violently, and was pretty unhappy for a while but ultimately after a lot of comforting and back patting she seemed OK. She slept well, but this morning she has a rattling cough and I'm wondering if the inhaled Tylenol has anything to do with that? She's very clingy and seems like she might be coming down with a cold, which isn't that unusual (daycare!) but I want to make sure that inhaled grape Tylenol isn't something we should do something about? :( Thanks for any help!

How can I permanently turn on my Microsoft Security Essentials and get rid of spyware and adware?

MSE is a darn good anti virus program but is a bit weak when it comes to malware. The best thing going today for malware is Malwarebytes. a href="" rel="nofollow" Download it, allow it to update its definitions and then run a full system scan. Always do security scans in Safe Mode with System Restore turned off. After the scan, you can turn System Restore back on and it will create a new Restore Point that is clean of viruses and malware. To make sure that MSE is on and running in the background, open the program by click on its icon in the tray. When the program opens, click the Settings tab and then click "Real-time protection in the left panel and choose the settings that you want.

Help. Rhyme scheme.. �Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out By Shel Silverstein?

It is a series of rhyming couplets. You are correct so far. And, when you get to "Z", you can go to "AA", "AB", and so on...

Fast, small, slug-resembling bug that is not a centipede or silverfish.. HELP!?

did it look like this a href="" rel="nofollow" ???

How should I construct my Bloodcheif Ascension deck?

I'm making a Bloodchief Ascension deck that utilizes Mindcrank to kill an opponent. If you're not familiar with it, Mindcrank is from New Phyrexia. It's a 2 drop artifact that makes it so whenever an opponent loses life, they place that many cards into the graveyard. With Bloodchief Ascension, they lose 2 life when a card goes to the graveyard as long as Bloodchief Ascension has 3 or more quest counters. So, it's a never ending combo. You make them place a card in the graveyard, they lose 2 life, and thus have to mill 2. They take 2 damage for each of those, so they lose 4 life. Then they mill 4, and so on and so forth until their dead. Essentially, they take infinite damage. So I need to make a deck around this, but I need to ensure they lose life each turn so I can get my quest counters on Bloodchief Ascension (Which requires an opponent to lose 2 or more life on a turn to get a quest counter). So obviously an easy way to ensure this is low drop burn spells (Lightning Bolt, Forked Bolt, Burst Lightning, and I was thinking Volt Charge's to proliferate.) But I also want to throw in some blue mill cards, to start the combo. I.e.; Hedron Crabs, Traumatize, Tome Scour, Archive Trap-stuff like that. First off, does this sound good? And secondly, what kinds of lands should i put in to make sure I can cast the necessary spells? Thanks!

How do you use your aura?

My aura is golden but this is rather worrying to me. People with golden auras "shine" their energy out to the world. Some say we are spiritual teachers but this is not always so. Our energy can be used for good or negative purposes, sometimes we have too much of it and don't know what to do with it. If someone or an animal is basking in a golden glow it is signifies a high energy level, and I can identify the ones that have the glow.

How do you burn more calories than you consume?

I'm really confused. I heard to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. I've looked up how many calories you burn while dancing and it said you burn 150 an hour. I want to go on a 1200 calorie diet but I feel like I can't lose weight if I only burn 150 calories. Can someone clear this up for me? I want to try to lose 2-3 pounds a week....

Do i have an eating disorder or am i just a little obsessive about my weight?

It all started when i was in 6th grade. i realized how fat i was so i cut down my food intake to no breakfast, 1 trix yogurt, 1 juice box, and no dinner. i did that till i lost about 10 lbs then i just cut down what i eat to no breakfast, a school lunch, and a small dinner. then i maintained that weight till the beginning of this year (freshman in high school) and i pretty much cried myself to sleep every night because i look like a fat whale. i puked up my food a few times but i could never get enough up to make a difference and so i cut down my caloric intake to 1200 calories and now it is slowly decreasing but then pretty much every week i have a day where i go way above what i am supposed to and so i would take laxatives to get rid of it. now i take laxatives 1 or 2 times a week and i have discovered how to make myself puke up more food (about 1/2 cup to 1 cup of vomit after every meal) i weight myself after every time i eat. and i do still eat normal. i have gained some weight back because of it though and now i am going to be a sophomore in high school, 15, 5'5", and 114.4 pounds.